Editing Blueprint Files

Best Practices

If you need to edit the .yaml blueprint files, you can add on to (or take away) the blueprints. The recommended way to edit the blocks is to copy the files form the seeds folder into your child theme and edit what you need there.

Once you're done, just seed your theme with the following command:

php artisan theme:seed your-child-theme-directory --root 

The --root flag ensures you're not using your theme folder as a top level directory.

Doing this ensures that when you edit the content, you can seed directly on top of the theme's blueprint files without too much trouble. It also helps with version control as well.

Directory Structure

It is recommended that you keep the same directory structure to minimize any conflicting blueprints. This will ensure that the content is displayed correctly in the frontend and the backend. If you need to add new blueprint files, I recommend you follow the current directory structure, or create your own to minimize conflicts.

Last updated