Products Section

The Product Section Block is used to display products from the Products entry type and displays them a Bootstrap Column Grid

The code checks if the shop is enabled the Settings, and if so, it proceeds to retrieve and sort products based on different displayed by the block. The sorting criteria are determined by the values of section.sort_by and section.reverse_order. If section.sort_by is set to "title", the products will be sorted by their title, either in ascending or descending order. If section.sort_by is set to "date", the products will be sorted by their publication date, either in ascending or descending order.

The code also checks if section.show_specific_items is set to true, and if so, it retrieves only the products specified in section.specific_items. Additionally, if section.filter_by_category is set to true, the code filters the products by their category using the whereRelation method and

The code also checks if section.enable_pagination is set to true, and if so, it paginates the products using the paginateCustom method and sets the limit to section.limit. If section.enable_pagination is not set to true, the code limits the number of products displayed to section.limit using the limit method.

The section's tag name is either section or the section.html_tag in the Advanced Tab fields if you have it set. The Advanced Tab fields also add an ID attribute and CSS Classes that you specify. You can also adjust the Bootstrap container type as well in this tab.

You can also adjust the spacing before and after using the switches from section.disable_top_spacing, and section.disable_bottom_spacing respectfully.

A partial template named builder/globals/shop_alerts.htm is used to show shop alerts, mainly if the Stripe Keys are set or not.

Files Used

The following files are used to display this content

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